Social Feed

Millions watching you
Millions watching you

Create post

You can create posts from your account by enabling different features. In this way, you can create an attractive video.
SocioMee Social Feed Create post

Share thoughts

Connect with your audience and share your thoughts. In this way, you can connect and schedule meet-ups with different people of your interest.
SocioMee Social Feed Share Thoughts

Post an event

If you are going to schedule an event, then with the help of your account you can easily get started.
SocioMee Social Feed Post an event

Social Feed Features

Create text, posts, videos and increase your account presence across the globe.

Share article

Share articles through which you can keep engaging the audience and also let them know about the latest trends and technologies.
SocioMee Social Feed Hashtag


Include the optimum hashtags to increase your reach and in turn engagement. Choose the desired hashtags to help your post grow.
SocioMee Social Feed Poll


Allow people to share their thoughts by creating a poll. You can ask the audience about anything you want to (related to your products, or services).
SocioMee Social Feed Alert


Get a notification within your profile through which you will be in touch when something new is coming.
SocioMee Social Feed Location


Set location to your post so that it becomes easier to reach the desired audience easily and help your account to get more engagement.
SocioMee Social Feed Biz Page

Biz page

Explore different benefits to promote your business page and learn how to increase its visibility to market different products/services.

Enable tagging

At the time you are looking to share posts with your followers/non-followers you can enable a tagging facility to increase reach.

Your new world is waiting

It is the time for you to shine by sharing your talent with an audience across the globe.